Sunday, August 4, 2013


Yes, it has finally happened, the only white thing around my SONY VAIO used to be the body of the laptop but today I have a white word sheet in front of me.
That too when I have to
1. Submit a draft for a Hinglish stand-up comedy by next week
2. Submit my entry play script to the Short and Sweet theatre festival in the next 20 days
3. Write dialogues for my short movie (The story is ready, thank god)
4. Last but not the least an entry for my own BLOG, which I have not done for some time.
The white word sheet looks very sexy in the beginning; it makes you feel like a creative with a writer’s block and trying to create your piece de resistance (pronounced as P.S DEY RESISTONCE as a lady recently told me in a theatre workshop).
However after some time you start feeling frustrated with the whiteness around you (contrary to the white waterfall that falls on you and you experience peace during a meditation session).
You feel as if you are a caged mute parrot, you know you can make a hell of a noise, but you are not able to right now, just like POPEYE longs for spinach you long for that green chilly to give you your voice back. So you can fly out of the cage and create commotion all around. Hell yeah.
P.S – Desperately seeking a green chilly.

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